About Author

Saranya E M

Saranya E M is an Indian author who discovered her true calling in the world of words during a successful career in IT. When she realised the transformative power of shared knowledge and its potential to impact the world, “Let’s make evolution wiser together” became her mission.

Her debut book, “The Secret Impacts,” embodies this philosophy, aiming to contribute to the evolution of humankind through real-life stories that reflect the nuances of love, life, and human connections.


To make reading books essential for everyone, every day.


“Let’s Make Evolution Wiser Together” – My mission is to inspire future generations to embrace the power of reading. True evolution goes beyond physical or intellectual evolution; it’s about cultivating wisdom, the essence of human growth and the key to a more enlightened world.

Core Values

Integrity – Inspiration – Change


5% of my book sales go toward donating books to children and young people, helping to cultivate the habit of reading and the wisdom it imparts. This is the first step in my journey to fulfill my mission: “Let’s Make Evolution Wiser Together.” Read More…

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